Short Stories

These stories are free for you to read and download, and are offered in PDF format so you can easily view them in your browser or put them on your ereader, tablet, or PC. DO NOT re-distribute these files without permission from Mark R. Hunter.

"Look Outside"

Beth Hamlin, the teenage sister of my male protagonist from Storm Chaser, has appeared in every fiction work I’ve had published so far, so I thought it would be fun to visit with her again. Her friend, Cassidy Quinn, first appeared in The No-Campfire Girls and is the main character from a YA mystery that’s not yet published. Although this story references events from The No-Campfire Girls and The Notorious Ian Grant, it’s not necessary to read them first … although naturally, I hope you’ll read them sometime. Merry Christmas!

"Another Family"

Here's a little Christmas present that I hope entertains everyone: The story of two police officers, a snowstorm, and a surprise. The main characters are from my novel Storm Chaser and its short story collection follow-up, and also appear in the sequel, The Notorious Ian Grant. There's also one more character, who will be pretty much familiar to everybody. Happy Holidays!

"Out of the Frying Pan"

This short story is a bridge between Storm Chaser and its sequel, The Notorious Ian Grant, and introduces us to a new character who'll have a major role in the new book. Believe me, Ian Grant quite literally doesn't know what he's getting into ...

Warning! Spoilers for some general details about the end of Storm Chaser. If you haven't read (or finished) the novel yet, you might want to skip this until later.

More coming soon!


Storm Chaser Series

Ian Grant's name was taken from one of Mark's and his wife's favorite book/movie series, Jurrassic Park, from combining the names of Ian Malcolm and Alan Grant.

Hurricane, Indiana isn't a real town, but it's a real place - an intersection with crop fields as far as the eye can see.